Our names are Sarah Swift, Jake Vasquez, and Janie Davis, and we will be your student leaders for the 2018 Champe Fitzhugh International Honors Leadership Seminar.

Sarah is a junior Biomedical Engineering major representing LAUNCH, and she is passionate about medical innovation, meeting new people, and coffee.

Jake is a junior Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences major joining us from the Memorial Student Center as the incoming chair of MSC OPAS, and he loves traveling, going to parks, and visiting popular tourist destinations.

Janie is a senior Spanish and Mathematics major from the Memorial Student Center and will be serving this year as the chair of the MSC L.T. Jordan Institute for International Awareness. Her favorite pastimes are reading, watching documentaries, and drinking fancy tea.

We’ve enjoyed meeting you and your families over the last fewweeks, and we hope our orientation lunches have gotten you excited about our upcoming adventure. We are looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you, hearing about your goals and interests, and helping make your transition into college as smooth as possible. We have so much fun and learning planned for you, and we cannot wait to explore beautiful Italy together.

We have less than a month before we head out, so make sure you read up on your history, find your best walking shoes, and get excited.

A presto!

Sarah, Jake, and Janie