There is an infinite amount of moments that will impact our lives, changing our courses subtly and distinctly over the course of millions of seconds. I thought I would catalog a few moments to memorialize our time in Italia. In the position of a student as well as a leader, I was able to play “fly on the wall,” and was rewarded with some amazing spectating moments.
- Those moments in which we spent in awe of each other’s humanity. This happened over and over again, seeing the light in people’s faces when they realize that they are surrounded by beings so similar to them. Night after night, passionate and heartfelt conversation sparked and spread, fueled by the desire not to speak, but to listen.
- The “around the corner” moments. This can apply to so many experiences along the course of our trip. Whether its discovering an uncommon similarity or being shocked at the magnitude and beauty of the Trevi fountain, these moments were landmarks in our journey throughout Italy.
- The belly laughs. It’s not easy to chronicle these moments because they arrived often and in large dosage. Evelyn falling asleep at the dinner table, Faris’ perpetual and endearing timing errors, and developing countless inside jokes. The joyful ache of a laugh lost in abandon lightened our souls innumerable times.
- The extraordinary routines. So many routine things became the foundation of memories for this trip. Early mornings and gelato nights framed our Italian days. These routines gave birth to comfort and assurance in an uncertain environment.
I was blessed to be a participant and an observer in all these moments. The Conway-Fitzhugh trip renewed my hope in the goodness of human existence, and in the love I have for those that will come after me.
Thank you to all those that made this invaluable experience possible. My Italy trip will forever be a landmark in the multitude of moments that I live.
Vi amo tutti,