Project Description

Hi, my name is Jordan Puig, and I am from Laredo, Texas. I will be joining the Business Honors Program at Mays this upcoming fall. I attended John B. Alexander High School and was a member of the selective Health Science Magnet Program. During high school, I was involved in my school’s volleyball and track team, the National Honor Society, and the Science National Honor Society in which I served as President this past year. I was also a member of the Health Occupations Students of America (H.O.S.A.) and in 2016 was the State Champion and International Qualifier in Extemporaneous Writing. Although I was very involved with my school, most of my time was consumed with rodeo. I have competed in the sport of rodeo since the age of seven and hope to continue after college. I am very excited to be starting a new chapter at Texas A&M University and cannot wait for all the new memories and experiences! Gig’em!