Ciaowdy, everyone!


We are Alex, Gabriella and Faris, your student leaders, and we’re going to give you the inside scoop on our top ten tips for traveling this summer.


  1. Absolutely No Regrets!
    1. Leave Italy this summer satisfied. Don’t hold yourself back from anything you may have wanted to do or try (within reason) because you will regret it.
    2. You can have as much gelato as you want. Anyone who says differently is wrong.
  2. Try EVERYTHING (except alcohol) and Say “YES” to new adventures!
    1. Try all the foods and don’t knock anything before you try it!
    2. Have that new experience, go to that new place, do that new thing! If people invite you to do something or try something new with them, say yes! Dive in!
  3. Wear the sunscreen. Seriously just do it.
    1. Looking like a lobster in the first week of pictures because you thought you didn’t need sunscreen on the first day is a…mistake.
  4. Stay hydrated.
    1. Italy gets HOT! Pack enough water during day trips. You never know when the next stop will be. Typically, one large or two regular water bottles are enough.
  5. Keep your day load light.
    1. Any extra weight you carry with you into town will feel like half a ton after holding it all day. Plus, you’re at risk of losing it or forgetting it. Keep it safe in the room.
  6. Stay Vigilant
    1. Be aware of your surroundings. Don’t do anything stupid or go anywhere that doesn’t look safe. If you feel anxious or uncomfortable, let someone know.
  7. Pack a swimsuit!
    1. You never know when an opportunity will arise to splash in the ocean or cool off in a pool. Bathing suits take up very little space in a suitcase, so you might as well keep one with you.
  8. Make a list of people you need to buy souvenirs for at the beginning of the trip.
    1. This way, you can gather souvenirs as you go throughout the journey. As you see things that remind you of people, you can cross names off your list gradually instead of scrambling to get everyone’s souvenirs at the airport right before we leave. Don’t forget to leave some empty space in your suitcase!
    2. Bring mailing addresses for people you want to send postcards to while you travel.
  9. Take pictures with people in them!!
    1. Everything is online these days, so you can show your relatives virtual tours of the museums you visit and photos online of the cool things you saw. Focus on preserving memories with the people you’re sharing the experience with. Live in the moment and put your phone away whenever you can. Soak it all in, baby!
  10. Journal at the end of everyday!
    1. Lee Walker wrote his book because he began to forget his stories and memories as he aged. Preserve your experiences by journaling! Write about what you did, who you did it with, how it made you feel, what you ate, what you saw, what you liked, what you didn’t like, EVERYTHING!! Bring paper clips to clip ticket stubs and brochures from places you go to the pages of your journal so you can remember everything!


We can’t wait to see you soon!


Gabriella, Faris, and Alex